Alberto Romano belongs to the fourth generation and established himself in the oil sector thanks to the passion and commitment that has been handed down from father to son for more than a century. Alberto Romano's Frantoio, refining the art of cultivation and production of extra virgin olive oil, has obtained a high quality product and certainly one of the best in the Sannita territory.

In the territory of the Benevento Hills there is the Romano Family Oil Mill, which has been present in the area of the Municipality of Ponte since the second half of the nineteenth century.
Alberto Romano belongs to the fourth generation and established himself in the oil sector thanks to the passion and commitment that has been handed down from father to son for more than a century. Alberto Romano’s Frantoio, refining the art of cultivation and production of extra virgin olive oil, has obtained a high quality product and certainly one of the best in the Sannita territory.

Since 2004 the company has completed its identity with the purchase and installation of a modern continuous cycle system with new technology. In the Roman oil mill, healthy olives at the right level of ripeness are carefully selected and then processed. The extra virgin olive oil obtained is a nectar with an unmistakable flavor and optimal chemical-physical parameters.
But above all, what makes Romano extra virgin olive oil even more special is the love and passion of the Romano family who have cared for this noble nectar for years.

In Sannio, traveling along the Beneventan Hills, where the expressive landscape of the olive tree combines with the viticultural one and with the natural mountain environments of Fortore and Taburno, one encounters marvelous specimens of centuries-old olive trees, with twisted and twisted trunks, almost screwed onto themselves and with the characteristic silver leaves. Among the most typical crops we find ORTICE (also called sparrow lace olive). It is a medium vigorous plant with a characteristic upright shape whose olives are used exclusively for the production of an excellent extra virgin oil.